I am so proud of myself for finally working out how to do something really useful with my photographs in Photoshop Elements, like make a cute but just a tad ordinary photo, just that little bit "better".
I stumbled accross the greatest blog/website of a woman living in rural USA, who takes the most gorgeous photos, and took note of her tips on how to improve your photos after the fact (check it out, she's pretty funny and quite addictive http://www.thepioneerwoman.com/ , you could spend hours checking out her "confessions"....plus there's some nice cowboy photos as well. They seem to do an awful lot of calf catching by hand, but then they are yanks...) Anyhow, I digress, as usual.
Here's my before and after shot, before 'straight out of the camera' and after some twiddling, and don't ask me HOW as I honestly could not tell you (something to do with "unsharp mask!). Actually, I've made the image here for posting a bit small, but I think you can notice that the after is a bit crisper, the eyes a little brighter, and that big smear of denkavit on his face and all over his shirt, QUITE NOTICEABLE. (but that's a whole other post, regarding the extordinate cost of a bag of denkavit and joy my two youngest children get out of playing in it, after spreading a good deal of it over the laundry floor....not once, but TWICE..... blood pressure has receeded to normal levels, thanks good people for wondering. I think it was only one or two cups, but its like diesel, one little spill can spread a looong way!
Anyhow, tell me what you think of my efforts.