To say I was not best pleased when I discovered my less-than-new (possibly antique?!) clothesline tilted at an alarming angle far removed its normal level state, would be an understatment!
It seems that the little dears decided to swing on the line, which wouldn't be the first time, but this time the combine weight of the two little co-conspirators together on the same arm, was too much.
But never fear! The clothes line has been restored to more or less a level state, though I fear that it will never be quite the same again...and on those heavy washing days, with a load of work jeans on one side, and a house full of sheets on the other, well it just may well have a relapse!
In other news, birthdays abounding in this household, with Georgie turning 4, followed shortly thereafter by the boy's 2nd birthday. And Kate has lost her first tooth...and all have grown quite rudely over winter, as evidenced by how tight some of their summer clothes are, now the cold weather has gone!