Saturday, February 2, 2008

Project #5698

I came across this when looking at one of my favourite sites for scrapbooking inspiration, (gallery). Basically, select one photo per week (or make sure you take a photo - not normally I something I have a problem with!), and write about your thoughts or happenings for that week. What a quick way to keep track of the year! This example (NOT MINE! credit to Nicole Southworth) is in 6 x 8 format. I love the large photo on one page, thought of course you could fill the space with a couple of smaller ones.

I am doing something a little similar, though in monthly format, retrospectivley, for 2007. Except I am using 5 photographs, and am having a whole lot of trouble remembering the "little moments" behind some of the photos. I think that by selecting a weekly photo, and making notes(even just making a point of doing a one page summary in a diary) and assembling it all later, those little things that seem rather important at the time, will be remembered. Anyhow, in the spirit of my new "Be Organised" resolution (see one of those posts below!) I am going to give it a red hot go. New problem: now just which photo will feature...

In other news, Kate started school on Tuesday and is loving it! (didn't have any doubts that she wouldn't actually!) Only problem she has is with the running (her "legs hurt") which may be related to a problem that we think she's had since she started walking, or else its just that she's inherited her mother's speed of foot (ie none)! I have downloaded the photos, just not edited them (see, at least I am TRYING to stay organised!)
I am having some trouble when I insert images, so my apologies for the poorly constructed page. I don't mean to insert 50 double lines inbetween paragraphs, that's just the way it happens. They say white space is soothing....
Got back the humungous pile of photographs, very happy. Try this company - 10c prints! Colour not quite as bright as the good ole Extrafilm, but at half the price for everyday shots I am not complaining!

Til next week, or earlier if I get really excited...!

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