Geez didn't that fly quickly, the week since the last weekly roundup brought to you by Instagram.
Looking back, although it didn't feel like very much out of the ordinary happened, there was lots of every day extraordinary going on.
1. someone lost his first top front tooth after it had been wobbling most annoying for quite some time. It did not leave his mouth without some assistance, and bled a bit...which didn't go down that well with a little boy that has a bit of a blood phobia. Ice did the trick and calm was restored. And the tooth fairy even remembered to visit that night!
2. Strange child #2 decided to make a rock family one afternoon and took herself off down the flat to find rocks with the right personality. Child busy + quiet = win in my books.
3. Finally gave my new sewing machine a test run and made myself (among some others) a fancy key fob thingy. Unsure if it will help me find my keys in my handbag or not. Time will tell.
4. Made lemon butter/curd using a super duper easy microwave recipe and the result was verrrry yummy. Have successfully given some away to reduce my own consumption.
5. In a fit of Georgie-like behaviour I stuck a peg on this cats tail as he lounged here in a spot that wasn't built for cat lounging (although does that ever stop them!) He wasn't best pleased with me...heh heh heh (don't worry, I took the peg off!)
6. New favourite Snickers ad featuring Alf. "don't dude me you long haired yahoo". Love it.
7. We had some strange, rain like weather!( fancy) not a lot, but enough to water the lawn for a few days and make it cold enough to have us scurrying for fire wood.
8. Went to a dressage masterclass (to watch, not participate). Great stuff. Am so not skilled or patient enough to even consider. Can admire though.
9. Wore favourite floral shirt, pretty beads and new bright blue vest. Blue vest insufficient to keep me warm at dressage as holy snapping cat fish it got a bit fresh. Luckily warmer woollen coats were taken along.
10. Strange child #2 came galloping in with excitement one afternoon, and had the whole family come inspect the sweet potato plant she managed to strike. Cleaning out the vegetable drawer awhile ago, we found a very withered sweet potato with shoots so she went off and buried it near the chook run. Lo and behold it did strike and seems to be growing very well. And yes, we water with our rain gauge! certainly hasn't been much use for anything else lately!! :-)
11. Freezer very rattly and hollow sounding, found some pork spare ribs, and made up my own thing and dumped them in the oven. Turned out very yummy for 2/3 kids, bloody bewdiful from the husband so not a bad score.
12. First ever printed blog book has arrived in the mail. Exciting times people, exciting times. Although as I had spent some time editing and reading text as I put it together, it doesn't feel so exciting reading it again, but am enjoying flicking through and seeing how it came together. I'll post more on this topic soon.
That's it for now, more of a week and a bit roundup, but who's counting!