Sunday, January 19, 2014

Walking with poddies

I'd love to be writing here and say its all sunshine and roses, but sadly it isn't. Its looking like it might again forget to rain this wet season. There are people worser off than us, but then we are all getting to where things are only going to get grimmer from now on in. Luckily, we have been fortunate to get under some good showers at the prickle farm (and in the same area) which has taken the pressure off a tiny bit. Currently planning to move MORE cattle there from inlaws place, as its received little to bugger all rain thus far.

Anyhow. Poddies. The lucky eleven that are residing at our house are getting it pretty good. Molasses on tap and a bale of hay to chomp through (or sleep on, the stinkers) and hand mixed feed every evening. Grass however is in short supply apart from my short lawn. So nearly every afternoon the kids and I have been taking them walking. "Tailing them out" around town, where the grass is a bit longer on road side verges and along side rail way tracks. Just to fill their hungry little bellies with some fibre and dry matter.



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IMG_7650IMG_7739I think you get the drift. Its not all hardship, we go out armed with books and magazines, water, iphones, ipods and a selection of matchbox cars, and manage to keep ourselves happily occupied and the poddies in check. They are getting very quiet and well handled, although a couple of exciting skips and bucks towards home were a little bit uncontrolled. Thank goodness for understanding general public driving by!

The kids aren't overly excited about the daily outings to be honest. But it really making them pay attention to the reaction of what the calves do to what they do and how they position themselves. The need for Mum to yell and her desire to throw her hat on the ground and sticks at the kids has lessened dramatically! (if YOU run THEY will run!! GO WIDE (very hard one for them to grasp). Don't push them when they are eating! And and important one, Keep them together when crossing the road! )

We'll be out again this arvo, going slightly further afield (ie across the road!) in our quest for grass, with our hopes skywards for rain filled clouds and eyes watching for cheeky wayward calves (there's always one in every mob, and we are all well aware of the clown in our little herd!).

Before I go: The messages of support you leave are very much appreciated and its heart warming to know that those of us that are going through this drought are being thought of. Thank you.


  1. Your poddy feeding outings I am sure have kept children out of mischief this holidays. From earlier last year I heard the wet would be late and then more recently the February might be THE month with higher than average rainfall predicted. We had less than a week of wet season like weather here in Cairns and now the sun is back but it seems clouds are gathering again. I hope that rain comes soon for you and the February really is THE month. Thinking of you. Meanwhile keep enjoying this learning time with the kids.

  2. This really brings it home how difficult it is for you all when you have to go in search of grass. Your children are learning so much in the process about multi-tasking! Continuing to think of you and wishing hard for lots of steady rain to nourish that wonderful landscape of yours which you capture so well in your photos.

  3. What is it with our second born children????? ;)

  4. We have spent the holidays shifting cattle to a couple of coastal paddocks that have a bit of grass too - my eyes are still sore from the green aaahhhhh. With only a week left of holidays I think I will be glad that school is going back (distance ed mind you). We have very similar frustrations with go back, come in, steady.......

  5. Yes, she's a character alright!
    Sarah, Sal and I brought a paddock of heifers in late Saturday, those two on horses, Wallace and me on the bike. I had a sore throat by the time we made it to the yards, and realistically should have left them in peace. As the mother, you tend to be constantly predicting consequences, and trying to avoid them. As it turned out, another 8 head arrived at the yards unassisted Sunday morning, you can imagine the commentary from the big fella. That old chestnut "oh, mustered the cattle, not the paddock eh". Whatever!

  6. You have no rain,we have too much so the livestock is kept in otherwise the fields will be a morass of mud. A farmer's life is always ruled by the weather. Hope you get some decent rain very soon.

  7. We've got bloody rabbits on leads and you're walking poddies through the main street with magazines…seems ludicrous and funny all at the same time. I'd kill for a slice of your life x

  8. I am just amazed at how dry the country is. I went down to Noosa during the week and I have never seen the country between Tiaro and Gympie so bad, all the paddocks were eaten bare and all the dams bone dry. Chin up mate its got to rain soon. By the way your little videos are fantastic.


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