Delivered to my mail box (yes its a bucket. Ask my husband where my weather proof mail box is).
Aren't they just lovely? They don't look quite right with the other jewels hanging on my twig tree from last year (not sure its got another year in it, think she'll be gone after this Christmas) so I am hoping to find some quiet time to make some plain white card paper ornaments and a garland to go with these ceramic beauties. or not - they still look gorgeous.
Thanks, Amy! One day we might get to meet face to face! Hope you liked the parcel you got from the wild west as well.
EDITED TO ADD: Just got another parcel from another friend who I am yet to meet! I haven't taken photos yet, but some gorgeous, gorgeous, silver christmas word ornaments from Di, wrapped in her trademark colours! (the words look right at home hanging on my twig tree with the white snowflakes...the twigs are looking MOST posh!) I feel very lucky.
very special...
Glad you like them Sharon :-)