Wednesday, October 5, 2011

random matters

The boy started his first morning of prep orientation this morning. he did not want to leave.

We have a "severe thunderstorm warning" for parts of our district and further west this afternoon.  I was a bit sceptical, but already, right now (and very quickly too) the skies are getting darker and there is quite some grumbling up high, getting louder and louder. Fingers crossed for some moisture to accompany it, and no fires.

Just after I posted about the glass drink dispensing beauty yesterday, a parcel arrived via the courier drop off point at the pub. She is indeed a beauty. Husband not convinced.

Post up today at Simple Aussie Girls about using divided page protectors.  I know, I may already be preaching to the converted but I have to tell you all again how much I love 'em. Pop over and have a look.

IMG_9248And tomorrow, and for the next few days, most YEGAD-ingly, I have been pressed into service, for the the first time in our nine plus years of owning our concreting business, to HELP. As in hands on, getting dirty, with the concrete, manual labour, helping out. NOT in the office, paying bills and sending invoices. Getting hot and dirty and using equipment I've only ever ordered parts for before and have never actually laid eyes on before.

Can you tell I am so looking forward to this, so excited? snort.

The short of it is, the day after the fires that raged through 20 000 acres plus of our property, our man that runs the concrete side of things fell off his motorbike and broke his arm (pretty badly as well). We just had to laugh, slightly hysterically. Finding experienced, or at least useful staff to fill the gap isn't easy, so my husband has been trying to catch up by himself , bringing me in to hopefully speed up the process and get us back on track after the delays caused by injury and bushfires.

And waddaya know, its started to rain. And the washing has gotten wet, I have just realised that too late take it off the line.....

So, a truly random post.....


  1. The husband does not have to use it!! I just bought myself one a month ago from Sharnell Dollar. Look forward to using mine at Christmas as well.

  2. Great to hear storms already on the horizon!
    The kids so excitedly came rushing through the house this evening, gleeful at the sound of thunder. Just what we need to hopefully extinguish the last of the puffs of smoke still appearing in the hills.
    Hope the concreting's going well! Be thankful the weather's still quite pleasant. (Trying to look on the bright side).

  3. absolutely love your random post :)


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