Sunday, September 25, 2011

short and sweet

It was a short stay, and a long drive, but it was lovely. The units were HUGE and spacious and cool and air-conditioned, and we had TWO bathrooms. And the kids had a tv in their room. They were excited, let me tell you. I hid the remote at bed time. :-)

P1020421And even though SOMEHOW, SOMEONE (we will not mention his name) managed to not put my DSLR in the car, I managed to get a few pics from my old, well loved point and shoot. It held up pretty well under pressure, apart from that funny spot that has appeared on a few shots...


This jetty wasn't as long as it appears, although the kids did get a little toey when I made them sit down near the edge for a photo....but got over it to play in a little fresh water creek that ran onto the beach.


Tide OUT, in the mornings, was the best time for swimming, for western bush living kids. Look at that gorgeous, flat beach.



Uncle helped build sandcastles. Although the attention span of both uncle and kids did not last long.

In the afternoon, when it was too cool and windy for swimming and the tide was coming in, it was a good time for running and racing the waves and just expending some energy. (built up during the enforced movie/rest time after lunch, during which parents attempted to regroup their own respective energies.)P1020608

And just one more, to prove that I was indeed there - although this is the closest I got to swimming - by the time I was wound down enough, and warm enough to consider it, the kids had had enough. Oh well. This body isn't really built for public exposure in a swimsuit!

P1020607Meet my daughter, Cousin It! (and please do excuse the awful top I have on! what can I say? It was cool, comfy and didn't require ironing!)

So there you have it, our two days on the tropical north Queensland coast!


  1. Your little point & shoot has done a valiant job Sharon. I laughed in your last post when your little fellow cried about leaving, that's the trouble with holidays, they end all too soon don't they. Often times, you're more exhausted upon arrival at home after the effort required to get away in the first place. Televisions in bedrooms are always a novelty for our children too, and we obviously have exactly the same daytime ritual whilst holidaying, kids in front of a movie while Mum & Dad catch a few Z's. We're not big on action holidays, the more time spent horizontal with vented cool air circulating, the better!
    Pleased to see a photo of you, I regret not having many of myself. Jess tried to get one of me yesterday holding my baby barra, of course the fish did a mighty twist & turn and ended up back in the water, no photo taken!
    And PS, I like your shirt.

  2. GREAT PICS...totally makes me want to head to FNQ!!! Right now.


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