Friday, September 11, 2009

A different view...

I just had to re-post this comment from Nicole (hope you don't mind!)... while she might have been giggling about the need for police escort on our little bike ride, I thought her whole comment and reaction totally hilarious!! Nicole, you made MY day (or evening, as the case may be!)

"OMG how HILARIOUS!!! Loving firstly, your brilliant photography! Loving secondly, all the mad women in your town (esp the batman meets bee and the pink gumboot lady!), thirdly, loving that schools there have less than 6 kids (!!) and LOVING that a group of balloon bearing, fairy dressed and tutu laden cyclists needed a police escort!!! Wow, this post totally made my day....."

Firstly, thanks all for the photography comments! I've really had fun the past week or so, snapping away, and I have to say that for the most part (apart from slight sharpening on some) they have all been unedited. Not to say they don't need editing, it's more that I didn't have the time and they seemed OK!

But mostly, I enjoy the response that you guys give on our life out here, while not all that exciting or different (in that we all have a house to clean and kids to chase etc etc etc) it gives a different perspective to life in Australia!

And honestly, I didn't really give it a second thought that we had not one, but TWO police cars and officers in attendance on our bike ride! (and yes, this town is filled with mad women. I would argue that I don't fall into that catergory, but I am sure that my husband, and the husbands of the bee bat and gumboot fairy might beg to differ!!)

Oh, one more thing - our school is the big one in our three "small schools" cluster. We've got TEN kids! ;-)


  1. Sharon your life couldn't be more different to ours! I love hearing about it - a different world. Thinking of bringing the kids up there for a different kind of holiday one day!!

  2. we alway try to put on a show for our non-country visitors!!;-)

    Like camping, eating little delicacies at branding time (think about it....! do you need more info?)and generally getting as dirty as possible. All with good food (LOTS of beef of course!) and good humour!


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