Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Droughts and flooding rain

Well, it is the wet season, but normally southern areas of Queensland don't get this sort of rain. No doubt if you live in Australia you would have seen on the news the terrifying flash flooding that hit Toowoomba and the Lockyer Valley late yesterday afternoon and last night.

368339-toowoomba-torrent Scary scary stuff.  I can't find the photos I have seen on the news of houses (assuming rural) surrounded by raging brown water, lapping the roof gutters, as their owners sit on the roof, waiting for help.  I've heard that floodwaters were rising metres in SECONDS.


Go here for lots more information:  NINE NEWS.  Normally I am a channel seven girl through and through, but this morning found that Nine had far more up to date information. 

There has been lots of flooding in the central and further south parts of the state in the past few months - but flooding that people could more or less, be prepared for.  This is a different story, and I am sure by the end of it there will be a good number of more deaths, people having been washed away. What a nightmare.

We live in the north west of the state, and I feel safe in saying, although it is entirely possible that at some stage we could get large amounts of rain, and we may experience some flooding - but it will that of the slow, backed up, no where to go sort of flooding, and flash flooding is unlikely.

I will be changing the TV off ABC kids with regularity during the day, to keep up with how things are going. And I am pleased that I cleaned out a heap of un-needed clothing just a day or so ago, which is now sitting in garbage bags ready to go to Vinnies or the Salvos - I think it will be needed.


  1. It is so unbelievable Sharon...I heard it described as an inland tidal wave. Cant begin to image how scared people are xx Glad you are in a different region!!!

  2. It is just utterly shocking and devastating - so glad you are well out of the way :-)

  3. Glad you are flood free.
    I am at Yamba in NSW and word is we will be cut off when the high tide hits.

  4. My mum has just had a briefing with the SES at work and we will be cut off for the next 5 to 7 days. Thank goodness I have a good book and the kids have the wii.

  5. It's all just so tragic Sharon.
    90 people still unaccounted for. Can't imagine the despair of these families. Like you, we're high and dry.


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