Monday, August 20, 2012


back soon, I promise, but for now I am being a lazy cow and forgetting about blogging and pretty much anything else that requires stringing words together coherently! instead, I've been to the races (sold many a sandwhich) and right now, catching up on editing school photos, which were done in MARCH. Yes I know. Slack is something I would win gold in if it were an Olympic Sport.

And look what else I found! taken of course before the frosts of the decade hit my garden, hopefully with a bit of water it will be looking like this again soon. I don't have room for a jacaranda tree in my yard, but this would have to be nearly as good!

IMG_2643The plant is a variegated purple Baleria, which strikes easily, so I am told (my MIL struck each and every one of the 13 bushes I planted). I think I put them in two years ago, and they haven't looked back, and have far exceeded my wishes for a hedge along the inside of my front fence!

Back soon I promise, school photos to finish..... 


  1. Looks very similar to the plumbago I have in the front yard - and sounds as though it takes just as easily and grows like a weed!

  2. They seenm hardy, but I bet I could still kill it!

  3. beautiful plant and yes, photos and editing.........lots of time.

  4. Heard mention of the races on the radio on the weekend ... suspected you'd be knee-deep in it!
    Unfortunately the pace of life at the moment is keeping me away from blog-land, must get myself back in the groove.
    I don't think slackness or laziness have anything to do with not blogging, in fact quite the opposite!


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