Thursday, May 21, 2009

Internet Goodness

Hi there, good people!

I haven't been home much the past few days, its been a whirlwind of driving, mustering, drafting, more driving and getting home in the dark. Tired kids, finding something to eat, cold mornings.
And you know what? Not one piece of photographic evidence. Slack, aren't I?

I wish I had my camera, ANY camera, when the girls (in turn) came mustering on Ben the horse, and had a ball, and got confident enough to ride by themselves (without me having Ben on a lead rope). They got to ride two days in a row, and the ride was just the right length for each that they didn't get tired and bored and hungry.

I wish I had my camera, ANY camera, when the girls yarded the weaners on foot by themselves (well, I was behind them in the Buggy) just on dark yesterday. They chased them in, and shut the gate, then helped roll round bales of hay into the yards to feed the weaners with.
All of a sudden my little kids are growing up, and becoming useful - and loving what they are doing. They had a ball !

The little man stayed in the buggy, snuggling his mum. It was getting cold, and he was tired. There's only so many cows a baby boy can take you know!

Its times like this, when the whole family (well, minus their dad, he was busy driving the cattle truck) can be happily involved, that I really love and appreciate this life we have in the country.

Though, I wish it were easier to get that bloody new couch that I've been waiting for!

Anyhow, didn't I call this internet goodness?

I stumbled across this cute and practical free pattern HERE. I think I will make a few of these, when I get a spare hour or three. I'm so sick of looking for school hats and reading books, and socks and hair ties...they look so easy to make! Wouldn't they also be a fantastic Santa Sack, hanging on the door knob or bed end (or birthday sack!) Possabilities are endless!

Have you noticed that handcrafted things are really IN right now? (well, I should also add WELL MADE!) with etsy and the like. I've also noticed paper flowers in scrapbooking, something like this below:In other news, check out these great new WRMK divided page protectors. Finally vertical 6x4, and a mixture of both!

I've been putting off scrapping our wedding photos (from 8 years ago!)... and had decided on using divided page protectors, combined with an odd 12x12 page for any enlargements. These new protectors offer even more choices, and I am so glad that I hadn't ordered any yet, these will be going onto my shopping list. These were from Scrapbook City, for $12.50 a 10 pack, though I would imagine they will be available elsewhere, I just haven't checked yet.
Simple scrapping at its best...
Have you scrapped your wedding photos? I would love it if you could share a link or photo, or hey - post it on your blog!
Thats about it for now, off to do some more cattle work again tomorrow after Kate goes to school. Then I had better clean this house that is hiding under piles of stuff that has been just dumped here and there over the past week.


  1. Are you getting the rain???

  2. hey there, blue bazaar just got the same ones in stock, they are $11 for 10 of the portrait ones.


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