Friday, December 23, 2011


these came in the mail the other day, a lovely gift from a lovely friend.


Given that I went the lazy simplistic route this year and simply used some branches pruned from the mulberry tree, decorated with lights and just one pack of bells, they have added a sweet touch to their branches.

The kids are a little disappointed that the green plastic monstrosity has not come out of storage, along with the tinsel and the other tree paraphernalia, but they will get over it. Santa will still find them!

IMG_1660Although sometimes when I do look at it, simple does look a bit on the too-modern-for-this-house style!

The kids got all excited about the presents under the tree, until they realised that a good deal of them are not for them but in fact for friends and family! I am mean like that! but they do look all pretty wrapped up.

And so the countdown continues....just two more sleeps!


  1. We are wrapping the cousins' gifts today ... it is bound to add to the excitement!

    Gosh, those decs look great with your stylish choice of tree!

  2. Looks festive Sharon, love the little lights too. Have a Merry Christmas.


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