Wednesday, December 14, 2011

summer days

with glammed up cowgirls (sequinned hairband used as a hatband, she thinks she is a genius! She is such a girly girl!)

IMG_1530swimming in the felt hats, which probably isn't a great idea, but I just couldn't stand seeing them in the burny hot sun without a hat on their heads...

IMG_1534even though they were in the water (notice the new bash on her hat, she did it herself with specific instructions of how it was to be when she needed some help)

IMG_1545And seeing as they spent as much time OUT of the water, exploring and looking for aquatic critters, I felt justified in making them keeping their hats on.

IMG_1552Its a good thing that there isn't a lot of traffic in this part of the world!

IMG_1565 For some reason I am feeling rather mentally refreshed today ;-)

Ah, a an hour or so with the kids by the creek, before dropping them off at granma's for a sleepover; breakfast this morning in peace...hmm, that might have something to do with it! Anyhow best get cracking and make the most of this child free time, which may or may not include some christmas present wrapping!


  1. We've had a few warm days but nothing more than one here and there ... and usually the kids are at school or we have had other stuff on so we have yet to swim ... very sad I know!

  2. Nothing like a little bling on the work hat - may try it myself. Maybe some tinsel would be appropriate this time of year. I can't stand the sun on anybody's skin either, in fact long-sleeved sun shirts should be arrivinig in the post in the next few days to go under the tree. Enjoy your peaceful child-free time. If you're like me, you'll be looking up the road for them though sooner than you think. Crazy.


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