Friday, February 4, 2011

She is eight, and other ratbags

Whew! a lot has happened this week!  You remember last week, the big girl in this family turned eight? here she is, on her birthday morning:

_MG_5798Yep, straight out of bed and into the pressies. (and bearing the remnants of Australia Day tattoos).

Photos for the day are pretty light on. Someone let the camera battery go flat, and didn't have another one charged. However, I did manage to get this one:

_MG_5803The kids exploring down at the creek, where we had morning tea with family. As you can tell, the water level had dropped a fair bit in the week between visits.

I also was told by these ratbags, that they needed some attention too, not just their big sister. Ratbag 1:

_MG_5802 (2)and ratbag two (who did his first day of kindy ever on Tuesday, and who would not let me take a good photo. I plan to sneak one on his next kindy day!)

_MG_5801I think the jarmies really suit him. Monster indeed!


  1. They are so grown up now ... gorgeous little things they are ... I can't imagine any sort of 'ratbag' behaviour ;-)

  2. Oh Sharon they have all grow up. But especially mister. Hope he loved kindy. We have a moster here too. But he is growing up a bit. School seems to have shifted his outlook and many responses are now so much more grown up. Its only been a week!Oh and there was a handing over of the batton. With this grown up attitude for Mr nearly 6. Miss 3 1/2 had taken up the task of being the challenging one with much attitude!

  3. Oh CUTE ratbags!! And Kate is lovely too!


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