Thursday, April 14, 2011


Wednesday was a day of accomplishment, especially as the list for the day did not involve folding clean washing of any sort (because the folding around here? never done. No sense of any accomplishment whatsoever). 

It did however, include cooking corned meat; baking not one but TWO smoko items simultaneously (not something I do often due to my inability to not scatter cooking implements on every flat surface); visiting school to "supervise" the OMG-I-can't-its-finally-DONE-BER Library cement pouring; fixing of a shirt to wear to Sports Day today;  whipping up of a oops-its-late couple of birthday gifts; washing several loads of The Husband's stinky work clothes.


And HELLAJAH! School holidays start after Sports Day (as in THIS AFTERNOON!).

See you after I recover from sports day, and we wallow in the first few days of the holidays!


  1. Oh yes, bless the BER! Yours has been a long time coming, but as we know, if you choose to live north of Noosa, then you will have to wait. And apparently the further north you go the longer.
    We were blessed with a great white elephant of a library, that we neither wanted nor needed. We do however regularly use it for P & C meetings and enjoy the air conditioning.
    Have a great sports day, yes indeed, bring on the holidays! My kids are tearing each others' hair out and I'm hoping it's only due to this ridiculously long term.

    And yes, the new place will be a little closer in distance to town, but includes about 30 km of ordinary dirt road so may not be all that much of a quicker trip.

    Have a great holiday.

  2. Busy busy lady :)
    What have you made...colours look very cute but what is it ??

  3. My comment is along the same lines as Di's ... but, our BER project opened for the start of this year, it is very snazzy and we are probably one of the schools who got something useful and very much needed.

  4. Show compassion for the Yank? What's a BER?

    I hate folding laundry.

  5. BER = building economic something or other starting with R - federal govt funded school grants - mostly for library's and the like.

    Fiona - I wouldn't say we really needed a new building either with only 9 kids however they gave it to us, so I guess it will also be a nice aircon'd space for P & C meetings - but the whole school got RAC's a couple of years ago thanks to K Rudd - didn't yours?

    and Di, now that the gift has been presented and opened, a cover for SIL's digital cutter, and a key ring.


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