Saturday, March 24, 2012


a quick little project made on one of the rainy days we've had this week. As much as I love the rain, I am pleased to see the sun out today (GORGEOUS day!) but not so much the mildew that is appearing e v e r y where.

This little project didn't take much time to complete, and involved a hot glue gun, and I am pleased to report my fingertips survived intact.

IMG_0452 A pin cushion/container from a canning jar (should be able to get them from spotlight or kitchen store - the ones with the two piece lid).  Finally a safer place for my pins to live! considering their home has been like this....

IMG_0454for way too long, resulting in many a spill, much swearing and getting kids to pick them back up with a magnet, I think it was about time that I did this!

Love it when my crafting attempts actually are successful!

now off to hang some washing in the sun, and to think about the mildew. Who knows, I might even wipe some of it off.

Wait, its Saturday! Slave labour shall be enforced (evil laugh!)......

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