Monday, October 19, 2009

On This Day

Actually, on this day TOMORROW, eight years ago, was our wedding day.

Ah, just look at how young we were!  That little blonde flowergirl, the sweet Sally - she's about to leave school and embark into grown up life!  That other little rat bag, well , she's still a ratbag, just bigger!

Photography wasn't as big back then as it is now.  Or perhaps it was, its just I didn't know then what I know now!! Wish we had better photos...but at least we have some! 

We've packed a lot into our eight years?  Buying and selling houses, properties, building our business(es), working together, grieving together, laughing together.  But these are the biggest things we've managed to fit into the past eight years:

They are mostly responsible for my loss of brain cells due to the lack of sleep over many many nights x 3.  But I wouldn't change a thing.  Actually, I might change that my #1 and #3 babies were sleepers, and that #3 didn't vomit all over the floor and my feet last night, but that's fairly minor in the scheme of things isn't it?

Happy Anniversary for tomorrow Trevor! xoxo


  1. Here's to non-sleeping children! And your marriage!

  2. Ah vomit...what would we be without kids!
    Happy Anniversary!
    Hope you both get some thing you deserve...a nice hot shower :)

  3. Happy Anniversary!
    Hope you have a fabulous day, and just look at those gorgeous kids.

  4. Happy anniversary my lovely friend...and as Sally's grade one teacher I REFUSE to believe that she is old enough to leave school!!?!?!?

  5. Happy anniversary (I konw it has past) hope you had a great day!

    I seriously love that picture of your kids...just gorgeous.
    I feel for you with the vomit, we had it in our house too, all three of mine...yuk!


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