Saturday, January 2, 2010

The Birthday Present Hunt

So, as you may remember, my oldest daughter has a birthday at the end of January, so I've been on the search for suitable gifts for a 7 year old girl...which is harder than you might think!

The wonderful Shannon got me a great deal on a lovely tin tea set in its own  little suitcase (after I found some for more than twice the price on ebay!) so there's one gift down. (got another one as well, so Georgie can get one for her birthday as well.  The joys of having two girls so close together in age!)  I've also got a cute little ruffley apron to go with it.

Kate's crazy about High School Musical (I would have thought she was too young? but anytime its been on TV, she's been glued to it!) so before Christmas I found 1 & 2 dvd's on sale (for $8 each! ) and tucked them away.

One of the joys of having a birthday not long after Christmas is that you tend to get lesser in the gift department...and normally the above plus some clothes probably would have been it.  I was thinking of perhaps a small "girl" lego set to complete, but seeing as the girls got a large doll house for Christmas, it seemed silly.  However, at a friends place on New Years Eve,  Kate fell in love with their Powerwing Scooter.  I had been told that they were frightfully expensive, but I headed to ebay just to see HOW expensive....and found one that looks identical, for well under $100. Done.

And THEN, while I was there, I thought I would look for pettiskirts for Di , seeing as she was hunting some for an upcoming professional photo shoot...and came across a great deal on tutu's!

I have  bought 8 of these in mixed colours, far cheaper than I could buy the netting and then find time to make them, so SOLD!  I just have to buy some white singlets when I get into the city next week (hello Best and Less, here I come!) and maybe add some button or ribbon embelllishment (or something) to the singlet - and there's a gift for Kate and birthday gifts for Georgie and my two neices DONE! 

(question:  I was thinking plain white bonds style singlets - with the narrow straps - or do you think a matching coloured one for each skirt would be better?)

I will have  four skirts spare, so I thought I could sell them with a little singlet - I'll do a post when I've got everything together with a price etc, if anyone is interested...

So there you have it, Kate's birthday present shopping all done and dusted.  Now I just have to worry about a CAKE...and the little party she wants.  Think we'll restrict it to just a couple of little girl friends, and maybe have a normal cake at school for all of the kids.

Stay tuned for some internet goodness later today or tomorrow.  I'm off to put away the Christmas decorations!  (but the twig branch tree is staying up!)


  1. Nice work Mum!!!
    Tough question...matching might be cute??
    And I have a good cake idea...Donna Hey, butter cake YUMMO...will find a pic for you

  2. Sounds like you have all bases covered!
    Matching colours may save a bit on the washing?!

  3. Sorry I like the white, but thats just me! They are cute. And you have been busy. Will post the things early this week. Will email you.


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