Saturday, February 11, 2012

last Sunday

we decided to go and check out the locals favourite fishing/camping hole (different to our Special Secret Fishing Spot), downstream from our favourite swimming spot.  The rain from the previous days would mean that the water would be roaring over the falls, and we hadn't ever seen this before.

The water was rushing over the causeway not far from the water fall. Kids were entranced.

IMG_0150IMG_2241and had to be removed from the edge of the faster flowing water on more than one occasion!

  IMG_2250with the arrival of the rest of the touring party, we proceeded a little further along the way to check out the falls.

IMG_2258From the top, we couldn't really see the big part of the falls, but we could certainly HEAR it, so armed with fishing rods, scampered down the goat track below falls for some nature appreciation and an attempt at fishing.

IMG_2278yep, down there, where you can see the water....

IMG_2282    Not Niagra by any means, but in perspective, the creek itself was pretty full,  the second tier of water would normally have another six foot drop when not so full. Still, a special spot in our part of the world.

IMG_2287my attempt at getting a stellar family photo didn't turn out so well. stinkers. they just wanted to go fishing....

IMG_2305although all we caught was each others lines and snags. Or until we had decided the fish would need goggles to see the bait and the water looked better for swimming in...suddenly the keenest fisherwoman actually DID catch a fish!

IMG_2312To say she was excited was an understatement!

After that, a swim was the order of the day, in the gentle waters near the edge.

IMG_2326And slightly sunkissed and wearied from our morning of excitement, we went home carrying our one fish, which dad prepared and cooked for the fish-catcher, who declared it DE-LISH-OUS! (although Dad wasn't as complimentary, it being a fairly ordinary sort of eating fish)

I think we should have more Sundays like this...


  1. I can't believe how sandy it looks there. Well done to the fisherwoman - her persistence has paid off, despite it not being the best tasting fish according to Dad!

    Where is this little spot? I need some geographical context.

  2. so different to our neck of the words :)

  3. This looks idyllic, as we shiver over here in Europe in the worst freeze for years! make me really happy to remember that others can enjoy something different - and I love that photo of the little one in the red shirt with her back to the camera. Perfect for a LO ...

  4. Looks like a great day. I would never have thought you'd catch a fish in those conditions. Unlucky little blighter perhaps!
    Love the look of the slice in previous post also. Have seen it at quite a few functions, didn't have a recipe. So thankyou. Don't know if I'll fool my crew though, seeing as it contains fruit.


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