I used to do this, before the kids and husband. Chasing a cow around an arena at high speed, and hoping for some degree of accuracy - that beast had to be steered around a figure-of-eight type course, with pegs for guidelines. But the beast may have other ideas, and so might one's trusty steed. I can't say that I was or am overly skilled at this sport, but still I enjoyed it. If I ever get the chance to ride a horse again for more than five minutes before I die of old age, I might again enjoy it. Somehow, I doubt the opportunity will arise!
But what I am doing at the moment, is the preparation to hold our local campdraft. Sourcing sponsors (although, thankfully, someone else did the bulk of THAT job!), the paperwork..oh the paperwork. I've spent the past two days drawing up the program, trying to get it all to fit, and finally - I'm finished. Well, finished to a state until the proof reader pick it to bits, but still!
So my house and kids have been a little neglected while I have been trying to get the program done...both are apparently cranky starving at the moment...youngest demading a CHOCOLATE FROG quite loudly! I've got news for him!!!...
Hoping to have some far prettier & craftier images to share with you next time!! (the one above being my brother and his mate Gilbert).
great action shot...looks professional! good luck with all your organising. Busy women seem to be able to fit in one more thing & do it all well!