Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Diverse Landscape

So the ones that were thwarted in their fishing attempts just a couple of weekends ago, decided we were goin' fishin' again. The temperature had plummeted somewhat since our first expedition, so it was quite some trepidation that I prepared the family for the outing. It can be cold in them thare hills!

We went to the same Secret Special Spot or thereabouts on the river (across the same adventure in four wheel driving road) but this time, went to another spot just a kilometre or so downstream from our location last time.

What a change in the landscape:

_MG_6631How gorgeous are these little waterfalls - it would be lovely on a warm day. This day? like ICE. But still pretty, and the sound? just perfect.

_MG_6641And the rocky landscape made quite an adventure for the kids. We went for a walk "to find the fish".

_MG_6642The kids stopped their exploring and peering over the edge into the water (a good 3 metres down - makes the heart skip a little when they scamper right to the edge!) so I could take this.

_MG_6657And I wasn't fooled by their "its NOT cold Mum!" and their pleas to get their jeans off.

Apparently this spot wasn't good enough (ie the fish weren't interested) so we moved back up stream for lunch. Here they DID catch some fish, which were very quickly cooked.

_MG_6675(coated in a seasoned flour mix and drizzled with fresh lime as it was cooked on the BBQ). I didn't eat any, but can appreciate how it looked and smelled.

_MG_6670(and that would be MY husband waving his beer can at me). As you can see, it still requires a group of men to stand around the bbq, whether it be at a party or fishin'.

After lunch, we moved to another location again, about half way between the first stop and the lunch stop. Again, such a change in terrain over short distance. Would love to explore more and find where the changes in terrain occur.

_MG_6690Much more child friendly, the rock was flat. I didn't get in the shot the wide ledge that was just below me to my right, from where one fished (I caught THREE! little ones, but its the catching that counts, isn't it?!) most comfortably, and could see fish swimming up and down. Would make the nicest swimming spot.

And then we had a snack (sitting on a rock, as one does in spear grass country) packed up, and went home.

_MG_6691Fisherpersons far more satisfied with their excursion today, despite some minor male foot stomping regarding lack of "bloody fish" to start off with. Men! (rolling eyes)

Me, I had a great time reeling in my three (five, counting the two that got away!) little 'uns, and happy that one of the blokes conveniently walked past each time to set my catch free! And I think I am safe in saying the kids had a great day.

But I think I might be over fishing for a little while!


  1. Your country is spectacular with water, and it is without too, but when we were there some 15 years ago it was so dry and desolate it is very difficult to imagine a lovely vibrant water hole with the babbling sound of water rushing by.
    Photos are great Sharon - keep em coming ... but save a few for a certain little challenge coming your way ;-)

  2. AMAZING photos Sharon...would love to visit this part of our country one day :)

  3. where is this? looks like an amazing outing! i'd love to visit this exact place! would you mind google-mapping it for me? I'll hve to put it on my bucket list :) You family is adorable! *happy Blogging*


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