Sunday, July 3, 2011


Sometimes, when you download the camera, you quickly flick through, and then miss fully appreciating shots like these:

_MG_6781Dorky family portraits from the back of the old truck, in lovely sunsetting light.

_MG_6768arty farty shots of the very orange sun setting, through the palm tree.

_MG_6774And that same golden light shining on an ornamental grass I have in the garden (the same one my husband declares is a noxious weed, and has to be refrained from drowning it in roundup every time he goes near the plant or the poison bottle. In turn, I keep on declaring that it is a sterile plant, and that I am going to have a WHOLE garden bed full of them, just to see the grass heads waving in the wind and sun setting light!)

It pays to pay more attention when downloading.


  1. Yes, it is so easy to miss good shots ... I need a bit of your sunshine right now ... I have the children out collecting wood - well, transferring it from right down the back yard to right up on the front veranda so it is easy for me to get!


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