Thursday, January 15, 2009

I spend too much time here...

...on my computer. I should be doing constructive things on it, like editing photos, or perhaps, heaven forbid, some actual bookwork and reconciliation of bank statements and the like. That, certainly, seems waay too much like work.

But I digress. I've been spending time this evening, searching through the bowels of My Picture files, looking for some photos of our property to share with you. 'Cos I thought you might like to see our primitive water heating system down there, so you can run out and hug yours and thank your lucky stars for the modern conveniences you have. (I do have an electric hot water system at our house, one that I am thankful for when I return from an overnight stay at the prickle farm!)

Anyhoo, on my search for the aforementioned photograph, I came across this, dated August 2004 (scanned - this was my pre digital days)...arent' they so small??

This was taken as we were about to head home after Georgie's arrival. (I do have one similar that was taken when we were coming home with Kate, but I suspect its in a box under my desk, along with the rest of 2003. Tough year that!)

And then there was this one (September 2006):

This was taken the day before Angus was born. I would show one of me with THREE kids as we headed home with the newest edition, but frankly, that photo didn't happen (due to cranky ar*e husband!) So you will just have to be content with this one of my rather large belly and rather obvious lack of bosumly support... I so wish I had one of me AFTER though, as I was quite a few kilos lighter than I am now (due to loosing weight during the whole pregnancy and the usual loss of weight after the baby have I made up for it now!)

And finally this one:

Christmas 2008. The best of a bad bunch - too much Christmas cheer for this crew I'm afraid! A rare photo of me AND the kids together - I'm normally behind the camera, and like it that way!

I should do a page with these, either with paper or digital, but quite frankly at the moment, I don't have the motivation!

Anyhow, I'll be back with more soon, with the photo & story of the water heating adventure at our property, and shed building (or rather FINISHING) activities of the past two days...

1 comment:

  1. These are all just gorgeous! I love looking through old photos of the kids. They grow and change SO fast!


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