Wednesday, December 30, 2009

The girls room

I'll let the pictures speak for the doona covers, but I love the patchwork pillow with its combination of fabrics even more.  The covers have brightened up their plain little room immensley...when I gather enough motivation I might paint one of their walls green too.

Now if only I could get them to keep it tidy and make their beds every morning....


  1. Pillows are gorgeous!
    I think the teddy on the top is the best though ... how do you keep it to just one?

  2. Very sweet! Love the reds and greens.

  3. Just what I was waiting to see! Love it, but want to see more! Loving all your posts, must come back to look again when I am more focused. Love the collage. And it is so nice to se some of the old collages on pages now. Those shots of Rachel's are just stunning - I want some - you think I could borrow me 3 more girls? ;) Happy New Years a little early!


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