Sunday, December 20, 2009

Photoshoots and Templates

So, yesterday evening my lovely friend Mel and her husband came over for a bbq tea, and Mel came early to take our family photograph.  First time ever, apart from me always snapping away at the kids, as we have never had an all in mum and dad AND kids photo before.  And I tell you this:  I much prefer being behind the lens!

So as Mel is snapping away I also had the camera out doing the more candid shots when I could - I can see the difference in my style and Mel's when she was doing this...I was itching to catch the moments in between the shots that she was taking - like the little brother doing silly things and one of the girls cuddling dad's leg.... I've always loved taking candid shots, so I guess that's MY style!  But  I cannot wait to see what Mel has done, because she set us up so well, at a great little location just behind our house.  Perfectly rustic.

Anyhow, in the meantime, here are a few of my own happy snaps (not as well exposed as Mel's, I can bet my bottom dollar!) using Amy's new templates (from my recent 200th post giveaway) that I made for her.  She asked for a template instead of an overlay and a header, so I have had great fun making these two up for her....and had to test drive them of course....

I had a couple of old chairs over the shed, retrieved from the rubbish dump, and they have finally found their purpose in life.  They made the perfect prop, sitting on the lawn.  They'll be coming out again, I'm sure!

 Mel brought the Christmas hats, and the kids couldn't wait to get them on...I very quickly made Georgie's little flower clip, I should have done something different for Kate, but she was happy with her big white flower.  Angus was just pleased he had his "good" shoes on BUT we weren't going anywhere!  That really had him confused!

Amy has already posted using one of her new templates, so do go over and check it out.  Looks so lovely and DIFFERENT, doesn't look like its come from me!!

I'll share some of our family shots when Mel has had time to look at them.  We had a wee bit of a late night last night, what with playing Balderdash and laughing hilariously at some of the answers (warning, this game is best played with adults only, because some of the men's answers can be a little....creative, and not for childrens ears!). So none of us are in top form today, that's for sure! 


  1. It's funny how you put shots of different kids in the same template and it changes the whole feel. I totally relate to the candid shots thing, my BIL is a professional photographer as well - we get him to take shots every now and then but, he is so fussy and deltes half of what I think is gorgeous - lucky I'm not a professional photog ;-)
    I've got so many ideas for my templates ... they are going to be featuring quite heavily in posts to come!

  2. GORGEOUS pics!!!!! I can't wait to see the all-in family ones :)

  3. Great shots! ANd go you the template queen :) love that butterfly too...will have to find me one at dd!

  4. Oh Sharon. Great photos. Lovely putting them together. And AWESOME template, love what Amy has done with it too - must get on to that - not enough hours at this point!
    Will talk soon. And that if fine with the tea sets.

  5. thanks for the lovely comments re the photos - these are just my happy snaps and NOT Mel the "pro"'s photos, so cannot wait to see hers!! they should be brilliant!
    And Di, that butterfly is a brush that was a freebie download, I will see if I can email you the file for yourself!


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